Minggu, 28 November 2010

Gaining Attention

Nineth,We will learn about Gaining Attention…what is it?okey you should get ready learn about that!

                                                Gaining Attention

   Gaining attention is an expression that is spoken and written.Usually gaining attention is used in order our friends that speak with us will show their attention to us. Gaining attention usually use simple present tense.

The phrases Of Gaining Attention:
• It’s amazing
• What happened then ?
• Why not ?
• Waiter ?
• Wow really ?
• I’m sorry, but….

Jumat, 26 November 2010


Eight,we will learn about  make Advertisement..what it is? Okey you should get ready to learn about that!


Advertisement is information for persuading and motivating people so that it will attract them to the service and the things that are offered on to or informed.
The Function of Advertisement:
·         Promotion
·         Comunnication
·         Information
Media to showing the advertisement:
·         By Radio
·         By Television
·         By Newspaper
·         By Magazine
·         Pamflet

Giving Intruction

Seventh,we will learn about Giving intruction…what is it?okey..you should get ready to learn about that!

                                                            Giving Intruction

Giving Intruction is an expressionthat is used in order that other person does what we instruct or request.

To respond and expresss:
·         Formal
·         Informal
·         Transactional and interpersonal
Example expression :
·         Open oyur book !
·         Close the windows,please!
·         Keep silent please!
·         Pass me the cake,please!
·         Sit down,please!

Procedure Text

Sixth,we will learn about  Procedure Text…What is it? Okey ..you should ger ready to learn about that!

                                                          Procedure Text

Procedure text is ti explains the way operate something.

Generic structure of procedure text are:

Characteristic linguistic features of this text include the following:
1.       Tenses are used simple present tense
2.        Dominant imperative sentences patterns,
Such as sentences patterns,Don’t,cut.mix,stir,pour,etc.
All these word is an action verb.
3.       Connectives used to short event or such action,while,the next,after,etc.
4.       There are also adverbs to express detailed time,place,an accurte way
Example : For two minutes,two
Centimeters from the top,etc.
   5.It also usually uses the temporal conjuction,such as: First,second,and then,next,etc.

Sympathy Expression

Fifth,we will learn about sympathy expression..what it is?okey…you should get ready learning about that!


                              sympathy expression

Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see someone or people are unlucky or have trouble and in bad condition.By expressing sympathy we want to show our concern or carefulness on other people’s condition.

The porpose of giving sympathy Expression:
The people that we give sympahty expression will be smile and feel better.And he/she will have spirit  finished the problem in his/her life.

Kamis, 25 November 2010

Happines Expression

fourth,we will learn about  the expression happiness ... what is it?
okey you should get ready learning about that!

                            Happines Expression 

              Happines expression  is an expression of feeling happy and full of joy,feeling that we get daily, or in certain situations

Expression Happines  :
  • I'm really happy ( delighted )
  • I'm happy to hear that
  • I'm very pleased with the news
  • I'm very pleased/delighted about that
  • it gives me great pleasure,(oh)how marvelous   


third, we will learn about say "hello" or greeting...what its? okey you should get ready learning about that!


Greeting is an act of communitation in which human beings (as well as other members of the animal kingdom) intentionally make their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship or social status between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other. Greetings can be expressed both audibly and physically, and often involve a combination of the two. This topic excludes military and ceremonial salutes but includes rituals other than gestures.

Daily Greeting :(Formal and Informal )
  • Hi...How are you today (Informal)
  • How are you doing?(Informal)
  • How its going?(Informal)
  • How do you do? (Formal)
  • Good day ,sir/madam! (very formal)

Rabu, 24 November 2010


Second, we will learn about appoinment...what its? okey you should get ready learning about that!


Appoinment is tells about agreement for meeting with someone or other people,It is better if we make an apponment before we meet someone or other people.

Making an Appoinment :


oke guys....

First we will learn about how to invite someone ...  how?   okey .... you should get ready learning about that!


             Invitation is  a spoken or written request for someone's presence or participation.

Formal invitation :
orginate from institutes,companies and a kind of it.Normally formal invitation is written invitation.
Informal invitation :
Personal invitation can be written invitation and verbal invitation.

 Invitation to speak directly:
Accepting Invitation :
Wilu : hey...Riri please come to join to the waterboom with me?
Riri  :Thank'u very much for inviting me ^.^ ! I love to!

Selasa, 23 November 2010

yah.......blog aq ini...sudah jadi...tapi.....g ada tuh menariknya hihihihi