Jumat, 26 November 2010


Eight,we will learn about  make Advertisement..what it is? Okey you should get ready to learn about that!


Advertisement is information for persuading and motivating people so that it will attract them to the service and the things that are offered on to or informed.
The Function of Advertisement:
·         Promotion
·         Comunnication
·         Information
Media to showing the advertisement:
·         By Radio
·         By Television
·         By Newspaper
·         By Magazine
·         Pamflet

Content of Advertisement:
1.       Objective and Honest
2.       Brief and Clear
3.       Not making to group or other people procedure.
4.       Troughout the world

Administrastion Trainne (Job Posting )
We have a vacancy for a trainne in our head office.Main auties will be office work within someone
Reception and telephone work.Training will be given in the use of a computer.The succesfull applicant will have college level education in business related subject and will be able to work with a minimum of supervision.Tyiping skill are  essential.Age range preferably IY-21.Good working conditions.Please apply in writting,stating age,qualifications and other relevant information to.
                                                           Personal Manager
                                                    STARTEX oil.P.O Box 355

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